產品名稱: 日本原裝YUKEN變量柱塞泵**要求
產品型號: DSG-01-3C2-D24-N1-50?
產品展商: YUKEN-油研
產品文檔: 無相關文檔
and surge pressure of less than 0.5 MPa (72.5 PSI). Length of piping should be less
than 1 m (3.3 ft.), and the pipe end should be submerged in oil.
and shorten the life of the unit. Please maintain the degree of contamination within NAS Grade
10 The suction port must be equipped with at least a 100 μm (150 mesh) reservoir type filter
and the return li
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oils or R & O (Rust and Oxidation inhibitor) type hydraulic oils equivalent to ISO
VG-32 or 46. The recommended 2 viscosity range is from 20 to 400 m m/s (98 to
1800 SSU) and temperature range is from 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F),
An air bleed valve (Model No. ST1004-?-10?, Catalogue No.: Pub. EC3001) is recommended for this purpose.
5.Suction Pressure Permissible suction pressure at inlet port of the pump is between -16
and +50 kPa (5 in.Hg Vacuum and 7 PSIG). For piping to the suction port,
use the pipes of the same diametre as that of the specified pipe flange to be used.
Make sure that the height of the pump suction port is within one metre (3.3 ft) from the oil level in the reservoir.
6.Hints on Piping When using steel pipes for the suction or discharge ports,
excessive load from the piping to the pump generates excessive noise.
Whenever there is fear of excessive load, please use rubber h oses.
any stress from bending or thrust. Maximum permissible misalignment is less than 0.1 mm
both of which have to be satisfied for the use of the above hydraulic oils.
2.Control of Contamination Due caution must be paid to maintaining control over
(. 004 inches) TIR and maximum permissible misangular is less than 0.2°.
than the pump position to prevent air in the suction line.
Install drain piping according to the chart and ensure that pressure within the pump
housing should be maintained at a normal pressure of less than 0.1 MPa (14.5 PSI)
and surge pressure of less than 0.5 MPa (72.5 PSI). Length of piping should be less
than 1 m (3.3 ft.), and the pipe end should be submerged in oil.
and shorten the life of the unit. Please maintain the degree of contamination within NAS Grade
10 The suction port must be equipped with at least a 100 μm (150 mesh) reservoir type filter
and the return line must have a line filter of under 10 μm.
3.Mounting When installing the pump the filling port should be positioned upwards.
4.Alignment of Shaft Employ a flexible coupling whenever possible, and avoid
Smaller in Size and Lighter in Mass As indicated in the dimensional
comparison presented below, the AR16 is smaller than the A16 (32 design).
In case AR16 and AR22 pump, a screw-in torque of fitting is 40 to 50 Nm (354 to 443 IN.1bs.).
Do not apply bending and thrust torque to the fitting.
9.Bleeding Air It may be necessary to bleed air from pump case and outlet line to remove causes of vibration.
1.Hydraulic Fluids Use petroleum base oils such as anti-wear type hydraulic
7.Suction Piping In case the pump is installed above the oil level,
Also, the mass of AR16 is substantially lighter than the A16. Features
Low Noise The noise level of AR16 has been reduced by 1-2 dB (A)
at full flow and full cut-off compared with that of the excellent A16 quiet pump.
contamination of the operating oil which can otherwise lead to breakdowns
the suction piping and suction line filter should be located lower